
职高职业院校招生网 20


As the single recruitment system of higher vocational education in Sichuan Province, the single recruitment of higher vocational English has become an important part of the enrollment work. As a candidate, it is necessary to have a cert#n understanding of the content and requirements of the single recruitment of higher vocational English, so as to better prepare for the exam.

The Content of the Exam

The exam content m#nly includes listening, reading, writing and translation. Listening tests the candidates' ability to understand spoken English, reading tests the candidates' ability to understand written English, writing tests the candidates' ability to write English, and translation tests the candidates' ability to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese.


The Exam Requirements

The exam requirements m#nly include language proficiency and comprehensive ability. Language proficiency refers to the candidates' ability to use English grammar, vocabulary, and basic language skills. Comprehensive ability refers to the candidates' ability to understand and analyze the meaning of English texts, and their ability to express their own ideas in English.

The Exam Preparation


In order to prepare for the exam, candidates should first improve their language proficiency, including English grammar, vocabulary, and listening and speaking skills. Secondly, candidates should read more English materials, such as newspapers, magazines, and books, to improve their reading comprehension ability. Thirdly, candidates should practice their writing skills by writing English compositions, which can not only improve their writing skills, but also help them to better understand the structure and logic of English sentences. Finally, candidates should practice translation exercises, which can improve their translation ability and help them to better understand the differences between Chinese and English.

The Exam Tips

During the exam, candidates should pay attention to the time allocation, and try to finish each part within the specified time. For the listening and reading parts, candidates should carefully read the instructions and questions before listening or reading, and try to answer the questions accurately. For the writing part, candidates should carefully read the topic and make a clear outline before writing, and try to write in a clear and concise way. For the translation part, candidates should pay attention to the accuracy of the translation, and try to express the meaning of the original text as accurately as possible.



The single recruitment of higher vocational English is an important part of the enrollment work in Sichuan Province. Candidates should have a good understanding of the exam content and requirements, and make adequate preparations for the exam. With a solid foundation of language proficiency and comprehensive ability, and careful preparation and practice, candidates can achieve good results in the exam.

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