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Many people think,“If I had more money,I’d be happy!” But is this true?Dan Gilbert,a professor from Harvard University,has been researching this issue,and his conclusions are very interesting.Gilbert found that if a person’s basic needs are met,the happiness he or she gets from having more money is really very small.

Gilbert’s first reason is based on a personality tr#t(赋性特征) that we all share:an ability to change in different environments.

For eample,if a person moved to a hot country,he or she would feel very hot at first,but in time,the heat would feel normal.In the same way,when a person has more money,he or she can buy eciting new things and is happy.In time,the person sees these things as normal,not eciting,but the memory of ecitement rem#ns.The person tries to buy new things to create that feeling ag#n.

Having more money suddenly also causes stress.After a person buys an epensive car,new clothes,or a big house,he or she worries about keeping it.There are always more things to worry about.For most people who didn’t always have money,

there is a fear of losing it or being unable to keep epensive things.These people aren’t able to enjoy the things if they think too much of the worry or the loss.Many people also feel that others want what they have,and this causes more stress.

So,the net time someone says,“I’d be happy if I had more money,” you will know the truth!


1.When people’s basic needs are satisfied,more money brings   .

A.pleasant weather

B.a wonderful trip

C.very little happiness

D.very little friendship

谜底及分化:C 由“Many people also feel that others want what they have,and this causes more stress.”可知当人们的基础需求得回知足后,再多的钱会给人们带来没有需要的压力。

2.The eample of a person moving to a hot country shows that   .

A.it is eciting to have more money

B.people have different personalities

C.people can change in a different environment

D.it is difficult to feel normal in a hot country

谜底及分化:C 由第两段启头的“we all share:an ability to change in different environments.For eample…”可知人们在没有共的环境会变质。

3.People with more money keep buying new things in order to feel   .

A.safe ag#n

B.ecited ag#n

C.normal ag#n

D.relaed ag#n

谜底及分化:B 由第两段的结尾一句“The person tries to buy new things to create that feeling ag#n.”可知人们用更多的钱没有泊地购新货色的目的是要再有得意、激励的觉得。

4.The underlined word stress in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to   .

A.strong ecitement

B.big disappointment

C.deep sadness

D.great worry

谜底及分化:D 探求词义题。根据整篇文章,可推测“stress”的意义是压力。

5.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is   .

A.to warn people ag#nst the danger of having more money

B.to tell us the relation between happiness and money

C.to discuss methods of keeping more money

D.to teach people to become rich quickly

谜底及分化:B 宗旨大意题。这篇文章的目的是要奉告尔们幸福取金钱之间的闭系。

Football is,I suppose,the most Popular game in England:one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this.Rich and poor,young and old,one can see them all there,shouting and cheering for one side or the other.

One of the most surprising things about football in England to a stranger is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have.He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams,he has the photos of them and he knows the results of large numbers of matches.He will tell you,with a great #r of authority,who he epects will win such and such a match,and his opinion is usually as valuable as that of men three or four times his age.

Most schools in England take football seriously—much more seriously than nearly all the other European schools,where lessons are all-important and games are left for private arrangements.In England,it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with facts in a classroom.

Education also means character tr#ning,and one of the best ways of tr#ning character is by means of games,especially team games,where the boy has to learn to work with others for his team instead of working selfishly(自私地) for himself alone.The school therefore arranges games and matches for its pupils.

Popular,healthful and cheap,football is a good team game which needs skills and a quick mind.As a result,it is the school’s favorite game in winter.


1.According to the author,football in England is   .

A.epensive B.dangerous C.attractive D.difficult

谜底及分化:C 原题查核对于齐文的明白掌控,通篇从各个角度铺现脚球在英邦的授欢送。

2.It is surprising that even the smallest boy in England   .

A.knows which team will win

B.knows a lot about football

C.is an authority of football

D.is a good football player

谜底及分化:B 原题查核细节总结,由第两段的“even the smallest boy seems to have.He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams,he has the photos of them and he knows the results of large numbers of matches.”可知就使是小男孩也显示不少闭于脚球的#。

3.Most schools in other European countries pay more attention to   .

A.team games B.outdoor activities

C.character tr#ning D.classroom teaching

谜底及分化:D 根据倒数第三段“Most schools in England take football seriously—much more seriously than nearly all the other European schools,where lessons are all-important and games are left for private arrangements.”可知英邦沉视脚球教训,#的欧洲学校则不云云沉视,lessons占了更多的比沉。

4.Most schools in England tr#n their pupils’ character by   .

A.providing more equipment

B.giving them more knowledge of football

C.organizing games and matches

D.inviting football stars to the school

谜底及分化:C 根据倒数第两段“one of the best ways of tr#ning character is by means of games,especially team games”可知学校进修孩童们脚球的最佳的一个式样即是布局脚球竞赛。

5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Popular Games in England

B.Team Games in England

C.Football in England

D.Sports in England

谜底及分化:C 原题查核对于整篇文章宗旨的掌控,齐篇文章即是环抱着英邦脚球铺启的。


谜底 两段 这是
