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As the world becomes more globalized, mastering English has become increasingly important for students. This is especially true in China, where English proficiency is considered a key factor for success in both academic and professional settings. In this article, we will explore the role of English in the Chinese education system and examine the challenges that high school students face when preparing for the English portion of the national college entrance exam.

The Importance of English in Chinese Education

English has been a compulsory subject in the Chinese education system since the 1950s. Today, it is considered one of the three core subjects in high school, along with Chinese and mathematics. The importance of English has grown in recent years, as China has become more integrated into the global economy and international communication has become more important. As a result, many high schools have started to offer advanced English courses, such as AP English and English debate teams, to help students improve their language skills.


Challenges Faced by High School Students

Despite the emphasis on English in the Chinese education system, many high school students find it difficult to master the language. One of the biggest challenges is the national college entrance exam, which includes an English section that accounts for 150 points out of a total of 750 points. This section tests students' reading, writing, and listening skills, and covers a wide range of topics, including science, history, and culture. Many students struggle with the exam because they lack the vocabulary and grammar knowledge needed to understand the questions and provide clear answers.

Strategies for Success


To succeed in the English portion of the national college entrance exam, high school students need to develop strong language skills and effective test-taking strategies. One way to improve language skills is to read widely in English, including books, newspapers, and academic articles. This can help students expand their vocabulary and improve their reading comprehension. Writing practice is also important, as it helps students develop the ability to express complex ideas in clear and concise language. In addition, students can benefit from taking practice exams and reviewing test-taking strategies, such as time management and how to approach different types of questions.


In conclusion, English proficiency is an important factor for success in the Chinese education system and beyond. While high school students face many challenges in mastering the language, there are strategies they can use to improve their skills and succeed on the national college entrance exam. By developing strong language skills and effective test-taking strategies, students can open up new opportunities for academic and professional success.

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