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With the continuous development of education in China, vocational education has become an important part of the education system. In recent years, the Sichuan Provincial Government has implemented an expansion of vocational education enrollment. This article #ms to provide a simulated English test for the expanded vocational education in Sichuan Province.

Listening Comprehension

In this section, you will listen to a conversation between a student and a teacher. The conversation will be played twice. After listening, please answer the following questions: 四川省高职扩招模拟题英语_四川省高职扩招试题

1. What is the conversation m#nly about?

2. What does the student plan to study in college?

Reading Comprehension


Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Sichuan Vocational College of Technology and Business (SVCTB) is one of the leading vocational colleges in Sichuan Province. It offers a wide range of specialized programs in fields such as engineering, business administration, culinary arts, and tourism. The college focuses on providing students with practical skills and knowledge to prepare them for the job market.

1. What programs are offered at SVCTB? 四川省高职扩招模拟题英语_四川省高职扩招试题

2. What is the m#n focus of the college?


Write an essay of about 150 words on the following topic:

"The Benefits of Expanding Vocational Education in Sichuan Province"

In your essay, discuss the advantages of expanding vocational education in Sichuan Province. Consider factors such as increased employment opportunities, practical skills tr#ning, and regional economic development. Provide examples and evidence to support your ideas.


In this section, you will have a conversation with the examiner. The examiner will ask you questions related to vocational education in Sichuan Province. Please answer the questions using complete sentences and provide det#led explanations when necessary.

1. What do you think are the m#n challenges of expanding vocational education in Sichuan Province?

2. How can vocational education contribute to the development of local industries?


In conclusion, the expansion of vocational education in Sichuan Province has provided more opportunities for students to acquire practical skills and knowledge. Through simulated tests and comprehensive assessments, students can better prepare themselves for future employment and contribute to the development of local industries.

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