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The Sichuan Vocational College English Speaking Contest


Sichuan Vocational College has organized an annual English Speaking Contest for vocational college students in the region. The contest #ms to improve students' English speaking skills, promote cultural exchange, and provide a platform for students to showcase their talents. 四川高职英语口语大赛_四川高职英语口语大赛官网

Competition Format

The competition consists of several rounds. In the preliminary round, participants are required to give a self-introduction and answer simple questions. Successful candidates move on to the semi-finals, where they participate in group discussions and deliver short speeches on assigned topics. The final round features a debate and impromptu speeches.

Benefits for Students


Participating in the English Speaking Contest brings numerous benefits to students. Firstly, it enhances their language proficiency, as they are exposed to a challenging environment where English is the m#n language of communication. Secondly, it boosts their confidence in public speaking, helping them overcome stage fright and improve their presentation skills. Lastly, the contest offers an opportunity for students to meet and interact with peers from different colleges, fostering friendships and cultural understanding.


To succeed in the contest, students need to dedicate time and effort to preparation. They should focus on improving their vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. It is also essential to practice speaking in front of an audience to g#n confidence. Additionally, students can participate in mock contests or seek guidance from English teachers to receive valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement.


Impact on Education

The English Speaking Contest has had a significant impact on education in Sichuan vocational colleges. More students are motivated to study English seriously, realizing the importance of strong communication skills in today's globalized world. The contest has also encouraged colleges to enhance their English language programs and provide additional resources to support students' language learning journey.

Achievements and Recognition

Over the years, the Sichuan Vocational College English Speaking Contest has produced outstanding speakers who have gone on to represent their colleges in national and international competitions. The contest has g#ned recognition from educational institutions and the community, further motivating students to participate and excel in their English language abilities.


The Sichuan Vocational College English Speaking Contest has become a highly anticipated event in the region, nurturing students' English speaking skills and promoting cultural exchange. Through this contest, students are given the opportunity to grow, g#n confidence, and showcase their talents. The impact of this contest extends beyond the competition itself, influencing education in vocational colleges and inspiring students to strive for excellence in their language abilities.

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