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Once upon a time, a young man wanted to learn about the secret of happiness. He traveled to a distant village to meet an old man who was known for his wisdom. When he found the old man, he asked, "What is the secret of happiness?" The old man replied, "Come with me." He led the young man to a nearby river and they both walked into the water. Suddenly, the old man pushed the young man's head underwater and held it there. After a while, he let go and the young man came up gasping (喘息着) for #r. The old man asked him, "What did you want the most when your head was underwater?" The young man replied, "I wanted to breathe." The old man s#d, "That is the secret of happiness. When you want to be happy as much as you wanted to breathe, then you will be truly happy."


1. What did the young man want the most when his head was underwater?

A. To eat.

B. To breathe.

C. To swim.

D. To talk.


2. What did the old man say is the secret of happiness?

A. To eat.

B. To breathe.

C. To swim.

D. To talk.



(1) In 2024, a young woman named Angela Zhang won the grand prize at the Intel Science and Engineering F#r for her amazing cancer research. (2) Her project focused on using nanoparticles to deliver drugs directly to cancer cells. (3) The idea came to her when she was just a high school student. (4) Angela's project was inspired by her struggle to find effective treatments for cancer patients. (5) She spent years studying and researching, determined to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. (6) Angela's hard work p#d off when she made a breakthrough discovery. (7) Her project not only impressed the judges at the science f#r, but also g#ned recognition from leading scientists in the field. (8) Angela's accomplishment has inspired many others to pursue their dreams in the field of science.

3. What did Angela Zhang win the grand prize for?

A. Her cancer research.

B. Her struggle with cancer.

C. Her high school project.

D. Her breakthrough discovery.

4. What inspired Angela's project?

A. Her desire to win a prize.

B. Her interest in science f#rs.

C. Her struggle to find cancer treatments.

D. Her dream of becoming a scientist.


请你根据以下提示,以"My Dream School"为题写一篇英语短文。


- 介绍你理想中的学校

- 描述你理想中的学校的教育环境和设施

- 谈谈你希望在理想中的学校学到的东西

- 你认为理想中的学校对学生的发展有何影响

My Dream School

In my dream school, the environment is vibrant and inspiring. The classrooms are equipped with the latest technology and interactive learning tools. The teachers are passionate and dedicated, always encouraging and motivating the students to reach their full potential. The school also has a library filled with a wide range of books and resources for students to explore their interests.

In my dream school, I hope to learn not only academic subjects but also life skills. I want to be taught how to think critically, solve problems creatively, and work collaboratively with others. I believe that these skills are essential for success in the real world. I also want to have opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and drama. These activities will help me develop my talents and discover my passions.

I believe that my dream school will have a significant impact on my personal development. It will provide me with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that will prepare me for future challenges. I will g#n confidence in myself and my abilities, and I will be equipped with the necessary tools to pursue my dreams and make a positive difference in the world.

Overall, my dream school is a place where learning is exciting, and students are encouraged to explore their interests and unleash their full potential. It is a place where dreams are nurtured, and students are empowered to become the best version of themselves.

短文 英语 对口
