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The Single-Examination Syllabus for English in Sichuan Vocational Colleges

Overview of the Single-Examination System

In recent years, Sichuan vocational colleges have implemented a single-examination system for English. This system #ms to assess students' overall English proficiency and reduce the burden of multiple exams. The single-examination syllabus for English has been designed to cover various language skills and competencies.


Listening Comprehension

The listening comprehension section of the single-examination syllabus focuses on assessing students' ability to understand spoken English in different contexts. It includes listening to conversations, lectures, interviews, and other audio materials. Students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of m#n ideas, supporting det#ls, and specific information.

Reading Comprehension


The reading comprehension section tests students' ability to understand written English texts. The syllabus includes a variety of reading materials such as articles, essays, reports, and passages from textbooks. Students need to demonstrate their comprehension of m#n ideas, vocabulary, context, and logical connections within the texts.

Writing Skills

The writing section of the single-examination syllabus assesses students' ability to express their thoughts and ideas in written English. It includes tasks such as writing essays, letters, reports, and summaries. Students are expected to demonstrate their writing proficiency by organizing their ideas coherently, using appropriate language and grammar, and presenting well-developed arguments.


Speaking Skills

The speaking section of the syllabus evaluates students' ability to communicate effectively in English. It includes tasks such as giving presentations, participating in discussions, and engaging in role-plays. Students are assessed on their fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and ability to express opinions and ideas clearly.

Grammar and Vocabulary

The grammar and vocabulary section tests students' knowledge and understanding of English grammar rules and vocabulary. This includes identifying and correcting grammatical errors, completing sentences with appropriate words or phrases, and demonstrating a wide range of vocabulary usage.


The single-examination syllabus for English in Sichuan vocational colleges provides a comprehensive assessment of students' English proficiency. By covering listening, reading, writing, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary, this syllabus ensures that students develop a well-rounded skill set in the English language. The implementation of the single-examination system has simplified the assessment process and allowed students to focus on improving their overall English abilities.

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