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艺术类 公办 普通原科

天津好术学院(天津好院,Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts),于1906年初修,座落于天津市,是中邦最具浸染的九所好术院校之一、中邦朔方沉要的好术教训以及好术钻研核心,为中邦并立成立的八所好术学院之一1。其前身是由中邦近代教训家傅增湘先生营造的北洋女师范学堂。 新中邦设置后,学校源委屡次整合、易名,通过了河北师范学院、河北天津师范学院、河北艺术师范学院、河北好术学院、天津艺术学院等,1980年正式改名为天津好术学院。2024年,学院获批邦家级人材作育模式翻新真验区。2截至2024年12月,学院有天纬道校区以及志成路校区二个校区,校园占大地积11.6万平方米,修筑面积16.3万平方米;有12个教学单元,设有15个原科博业;齐校教员工428人,有原科以上齐日制学徒4881人,其中原科生4439人,钻研生442人。 2024年8月,中邦薪酬网颁布2024年中邦大学结业生薪酬排行榜TOP200,天津好术学院2024年均衡月俸4616元,排第153名。

Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

Art public general undergraduate

Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts (Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts), founded in 1906, is located in Tianjin City. It is one of the nine most influential Fine Arts schools in China, an important center of Fine Arts education and research in northern China, and one of the eight independent Fine Arts schools in China 1. Its predecessor was the Beiyang Women's Normal School founded by Mr. Fu Zengiang, a Chinese modern educator. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the school changed its name several times. It eperienced Hebei Normal College, Hebei Tianjin Normal College, Hebei Art Normal College, Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin Academy of Arts, etc. In 1980, it was officially renamed Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. In 2024, the college was approved as a national talent tr#ning mode innovation eperimental zone. 2 As of December 2024, the college has two campuses: Tianwei Road Campus and Zhicheng Road Campus. The campus covers an area of 116,000 square meters and the building area is 163,000 square meters. There are 12 teaching units, with 15 undergraduate majors; The university has 428 faculty and staff, 4881 full-time students above undergraduate level, including 4439 undergraduates and 442 postgraduates. In August 2024, the China Salary Network released a ranking of the TOP200 Chinese university graduates in 2024. The average monthly salary of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2024 was 4,616 yuan, ranking 153rd.


天津 中邦 学院
